How long does it take to put a Power Wheels® vehicle together?
Be sure to set aside an hour to two hours for assembly.
How often do I need to charge the batteries?
Charge the batteries for a minimum of 14 hours after each use of the vehicle or whenever the vehicle begins to slow down. When the vehicle is not in regular use, charge the batteries at least once a month until normal use is resumed.

How much riding time should I get after charging the batteries?
You should get from one to three hours of riding time per charge. The riding time is affected by:
   the driving surface,
   passenger weight,
   the charge of the batteries,
   whether the vehicle is used intermittently or continuously,
   condition of the electrical switches and connectors,
   whether the vehicle is used in low or high speed,
   the temperature.

What is the life expectancy of the batteries?
Battery life will vary depending on how well you follow the Charging and Battery Care Instructions. It's also affected by the total number of hours the batteries are used. Average battery life is one to three years.

Do the fuses have to be inserted into the batteries when I'm charging?
Yes! The batteries must have good fuses installed when charging and during use. If the fuses are missing, blown or if you are using the wrong type of fuse, the batteries will not charge.

How can I tell if a fuse is blown?
Use pliers to remove the fuses from the batteries and compare the fuses to the illustration in your owner's manual.

How can I tell if the charger is working?
If you suspect there is a problem with your charger, contact your local Power Wheels Authorized Service Center. They can test your charger for you.

How and when should I store my vehicle?
During snowy or rainy weather, the vehicle should be stored inside or under protective cover. Remember to charge the batteries at least once per month while your vehicle is not in regular use.

How should I properly dispose of a Power Wheels® battery?
Do not place used batteries in your regular trash. Instead return the battery to a federal or state approved lead-acid battery recycler. This may be a Power Wheels® Authorized Service Center or a local retailer of automotive batteries.

How should I care for my vehicle?
The vehicle can be wiped down with a soft, dry cloth. For a shiny finish, you can wipe plastic parts with a non-wax furniture polish applied to a soft-cloth. Do not use automotive wax. Do not use soap and water or spray the vehicle with a hose. Check all nuts, bolts, and their protective coverings regularly and tighten as required. Check plastic parts on a regular basis for cracks or broken pieces.

If I have a problem that I can't solve myself, what should I do?
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